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Passing or crossing is the true definition of Transitus and that is what we offer children: the opportunity to cross over to Senior School for their last year of Primary School.

This move for Primary 7, enables children to experience what life is like as a Senior, giving them access to the full range of subjects including Business Management, Health and Food Technology, Drama and Modern Studies.

Extended lunch times allow children to explore new hobbies and meet others with common interests across a range of clubs and societies, including: Creative Writing Club, Debating Society, Astronomy Club, Girls’ Football and British Sign Language Club.

The benefits of this transitional year give children a head start in the curriculum, learning from specialist teachers in every subject, whilst also allowing them an advanced opportunity to explore which subjects they enjoy and are passionate about, alongside gaining an all-round wealth of experience they will carry with them throughout Senior School and beyond.

By the time our Transitus pupils start Senior 1 they know the Senior School like the back of their hand which is helpful because it’s quite a big place!

What are some of the Highlights of Transitus?

How about learning, rehearsing and performing an opera all in one day thanks to a workshop with Scottish Opera? Or the infamous Transitus Bake Off ... ready, steady bake!

What about Activities Week in the Summer Term where for a whole week the normal timetable is ripped up in favour of excursions and workshops to enrich and enhance educational, physical and personal potential?

The be-loved Transitus Valentine’s Dance? Health and Wellbeing Week where experts including life coaches and nutritionists share their wisdom?

The chance to get out your comfort zone and deliver an Assembly to the whole school on an interesting topic as a form class? Or maybe it’s making lots of new lifelong friends!

Transitus is a truly memorable year in our Senior School for our Primary 7 cohort. It’s a great time to grow in independence and experience the opportunities that come with being in a secondary environment, while being carefully supported by Form Teachers. I love seeing their enthusiasm as they try so many new subjects. They are fully integrated into the life of the school and have the chance to be involved in a huge variety of extra-curricular activities and special events."

Sheona de Groot
Transitus Form Teacher,
English Teacher, Former Pupil & Current Parent

Snapshot of


T   Transition to Senior School for Primary 7.

R   Responsibility and independence at an earlier age.

A   Accelerated head start in the curriculum and discovering their passions.

N   Nurturing new ventures, both academically and in extracurricular activities.

S   Safe and supportive environment for learning.

I   Invaluable all round wealth of knowledge as well as weekly games afternoons and Saturday morning sports including rugby, hockey and cricket.

T   Timetable of 14 subjects with a mix of rotational subjects.

U   Unique opportunity for maturity and independence to develop amongst our younger learners.

S   Sixth Year Buddy on hand to help with all aspects of school life.

The move to Senior School is supported via Form Classes, the House System and Sixth Year Buddies, and Transitus is an excellent time to join the HSOG community.

We offer bespoke tours to families year-round, so please contact our Admissions Team to come in and see the High School for yourself and meet with members of staff to discuss our Transitus year further and discover the joy of learning at HSOG.

Where Next?

House System

Senior School

Providing every pupil with support and guidance - a family within our Senior School setting.

House System

Clubs and Societies

Senior School

Participation is key to The High School experience, with hundreds of clubs and societies on offer for pupils of all ages.

Clubs & Societies


Senior School

Supporting physical and emotional development through a wide variety of sporting activities.
