Health and Wellbeing
The physical and mental wellbeing of pupils and staff is our upmost priority, essential to creating a positive, welcoming and productive environment for all.
Promoting Positive Mental Wellbeing
At our Senior School, we promote the vital importance of positive mental wellbeing in a number of ways.
Our Peer Hub provides a platform for older pupils to offer support and advice to their younger peers. Senior 4 - Senior 6 pupils are welcomed into our purpose built wellbeing room where they can take the time to relax and enjoy a chat over hot chocolate, biscuits and the odd slice of cake! This provides an important break for senior pupils, a release from the stresses that can arise throughout busy times at the School.
We encourage our pupils to make sure that they get involved; to be a part of the pivotal conversation on the importance of mental health in young people.
That's why, every session, two Sixth Year pupils are nominated to become the designated Health and Wellbeing Representatives for the School.
Our reps work closely with the Senior School Nurse and are responsible for driving initiatives that they feel are important to the overall physical and emotional wellbeing of The High School community. This includes organising an annual Health and Wellbeing Week that addresses the topic of mental health through relevant activities, lectures from mental health experts and informative workshops.
Our Health and Wellbeing Reps also assist in the running of our weekly Peer Hub and act as the voice of our pupils, helping to remove any stigma associated with the issue of mental health.
Diana Award
In 2019, S6 Health and Wellbeing Representative, Andrew Taylor, became the first ever High School pupil to win The Diana Award, recognition for his work as a mental health advocate.
In 2020, S6 pupil Rohan McMillan followed in Andrew's footsteps, winning the award in honour of his time spent supporting our community to understand more about diabetes.
Health and Wellbeing Centre
Our Health and Wellbeing Centre provides a safe and serene environment where any ailments are treated and pupils feel taken care of, both physically and emotionally.
Opened in Autumn 2017, our purpose-built centre instantly transformed the provision of medical care within the Senior School, to the benefit of both pupils and staff.
The cleverly designed space makes best use of the room. The main medical space, with direct access to the outside of the building for any medical emergencies, is flanked by consulting and treatment areas, and a dedicated health and wellbeing room that is popular with pupils in need privacy or for those wishing to have a conversation with a member of staff about any issues concerning them. Counselling and cognitive behavioural intervention sessions are available to both pupils and staff, helping to support them through times of adversity.
Our Senior School Nurses are on hand every day to treat illnesses and minor injuries, as well as providing support to those with allergies or medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma or epilepsy.