The High School of Glasgow consistently records outstanding academic results in SQA National Examinations at Fifth Year. Pupils are presented for exams in five subjects at Higher, and in this year’s diet of Higher Examinations, pupils achieved an average of 4.8 passes, with a 96.7% pass rate. 52.4% of the year gained straight As.
Amongst this excellence displayed across the entire year group, the School learned that two individuals in particular had achieved outstanding accolades in their own right. Amy C (now S6) came top in the country in both Higher Biology and Higher Computing exams and scored 100% in Higher Mathematics. Meanwhile Katie B (also now S6) received the highest mark in the country for Higher Classical Studies.
Commenting, Amy said:
I couldn’t believe it when I heard that I had obtained these marks, but I am delighted. I worked hard for the exams but couldn’t have done it without the support from my teachers in the Maths, Biology and Computing Science Departments.
“It was also very nice to attend the Science and Parliament event at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh with my Higher Biology teacher, Mrs McNeil, where I was presented with my award for Biology. This year, I am enjoying studying all three subjects at Advanced Higher and I’m hoping to study Medicine or Computing Science at university.”
Katie said:
I was surprised and delighted to discover that I had the highest mark for Higher Classics in Scotland. My teacher, Mrs Bell, was fantastic in ensuring I was as well prepared as possible. This year I am studying Advanced Highers in History, Classics and English and I will be studying History at university next year.”
Rector, John O’Neill said:
I am very proud of both Amy and Katie, it is quite the achievement to be top in the country for a subject, particularly at Higher level. This is a true testament to the hard work, talent and dedication shown by both individuals. My thanks and congratulations must also go to my colleagues in the various departments involved, your guidance and love of teaching helps to set our pupils up for success and ensures the children and young people in our care flourish.”