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Three Kindergarten girls sitting outdoors in waterproof outfits and wearing wooly hats.

Based within our Junior School building in the leafy Glasgow suburb of Bearsden, our Kindergarten welcomes children from the age of 3 to nurturing and stimulating play spaces that enable them to enjoy the best start in life.

At The High School of Glasgow Kindergarten, our dedicated team of Early Learning and Childcare Specialists put children at the heart of all we do, providing a welcoming and homely setting in which our youngest learners feel safe, secure and happy.

Our stimulating learning environments and play-based approach sparks curiosity and an instinct to explore and discover, while our expansive outdoor spaces allow children to develop an understanding of their abilities and build resilience, all while learning to appreciate the natural world around them.

The wellbeing of each child is our priority, with our focus on child-led learning ensuring that those in our care feel valued and listened to, fostering independence, confidence and self-esteem from day one. We enjoy close links with our Junior School as we work in partnership to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for children as they progress into Junior 1.

Why not take the next step - come and visit us to find out for yourself why The High School of Glasgow Kindergarten is such a special place."

Julie MacLaren
Principal Teacher of Kindergarten

We know that children achieve to their highest through discovery, encouragement, and warm and secure relationships with adults and their peers.

Our Kindergarten staff provide high quality Early Learning and Childcare with children at the heart of all that we do. Our aim is to inspire every child to thrive in these crucial early years, the very first steps in their lifelong learning journey. In February 2020, our Kindergarten received a care inspectorate report at an evaluation of 'excellent' and 'very good'. You can read the full inspectorate report here.

The Kindergarten learning environment is very much a part of our Junior School, offering a seamless transition for children progressing into Junior 1. This connection throughout the pre-school year includes lessons from specialist teachers, and being welcomed into Junior School assemblies and events. Our dedicated staff work in partnership with their Junior School counterparts to ensure a smooth and seamless transition into Junior 1.

Lasting friendships are formed within our Kindergarten, with many continuing on throughout our childrens' entire experience at The High School of Glasgow.


At a glance

Situated within our Junior School in Bearsden, providing a smooth transition into primary education

Sparking curiosity and independence through play-based learning

Active outdoor learning, come rain or shine!

A mixture of stimulating indoor and outdoor playrooms 

Play Based Learning


Following the Curriculum for Excellence with an emphasis on play based experiences that stimulate curiosity, resilience and independence.

Play Based Learning

Outdoor Education


Come rain or shine, active outdoor learning is a fundamental element of life within our Kindergarten.

Outdoor Education

Playrooms and Facilities


Our stimulating learning environments spark curiosity amongst children, fostering a love of learning and an instinct to investigate, discover and explore.

Playrooms & Facilities

Useful Information


Important information about our Kindergarten, including details on opening times, funding and how we communicate with our parents.

Useful Information

What Our Parents Say

My son, absolutely loved his time at The High School of Glasgow Kindergarten. The transition from nursery was really easy for Johnny. The experienced team had an excellent settling-in process and created an environment that was calm, well organised and welcoming. Johnny was given the chance the thrive through play-based learning and was encouraged to learn at his own pace, with support, should he need it. He was extremely happy and we saw his independence and confidence grow as he made new friends.

Communication between parent and teacher was exceptional. Daily conversations or emails ensured that Johnny’s individual needs were catered for. This was made even easier with Seesaw, an app that also included a photo diary of Johnny’s day! The High School of Glasgow Kindergarten is a safe, secure and nurturing environment, the perfect start to school life."Lucy Clark Fuller,
Former Kindergarten Parent


Ready to discover the exciting experiences that we have to offer you and your family?

Admissions Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Junior School

The next step in The High School experience for Kindergarten children.

Junior School

Out of School Care

Providing extended childcare beyond the end of the school day for those who require it.

OSC Information