The School is delighted to be able to report an impressive set of SQA results for session 2023-24.
What is Pastoral Care and Does Your Child Require it?
The physical and mental wellbeing of children is of great importance. Children should always feel safe, respected, and valued, and should be able to receive help when required - both at home and at school.
Pastoral care at The High School of Glasgow is just one of the many ways we place pupils’ wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. It ensures children are well-supported during their time with us.
The following article will explore in depth what pastoral care is and why it’s an essential element of The High School Experience.
What is Pastoral Care?
Pastoral care is a provision from a school to make sure the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of pupils is cared for. The commitment to pastoral care feeds into everything a school does to ensure their pupils have the best chance at success.
Schools can have different priorities in terms of pastoral care. However, The High School of Glasgow provide dedicated zones where children can unwind with teachers available to discuss anything that might be on a pupil’s mind.
At The High School of Glasgow, pastoral care is available throughout both the Junior School and Senior School.
Why is Pastoral Care Important?
Pastoral care is important to ensure your child is happy, secure, and fulfilled throughout their educational experience. After all, education and health and wellbeing are closely linked, so if your child is content and happy whilst they’re in school, they’ll be more likely to achieve academic success.
Focusing on pastoral care also promotes a sense of community among pupils, where they show respect for and support each other. This is particularly true at The High School of Glasgow, where pupils are placed into different ‘Houses’.
Pastoral care can also act as a bridge between school and home life as staff are usually the first point of contact if a parent has any concerns they wish to discuss regarding their child. By establishing this connection, the school has a reach beyond the gates, supporting families and children even when the school day finishes.
How Does Pastoral Care Work at HSOG?
Pastoral care is a priority at The High School of Glasgow and our commitment to this runs throughout both the Junior and Senior School, ensuring your child is supported at every step.
We implement pastoral care through a strong House system, which is split into four ‘ships’ at the Junior School:
- Broughty Ferry
- Cambeltown
- Lizard
- Longhope
And four ‘Houses’ at the Senior School:
- Bannerman
- Clyde
- Law
- Moore
These Ships/Houses underpin the school’s values and develop a sense of community and create a friendly, competitive and collegiate atmosphere. At School, your Ship or House is like your family.
At the Senior School, House staff play an integral role in the pastoral care of pupils. In Sixth Form, two pupils are appointed as Captains of each House and they lead on events and activities, allowing pupils to interact, build relationships, compete in House competitions and run dedicated fundraising weeks across the academic year.
At the Senior School, our dedicated Health and Wellbeing Centre provides an oasis of calm in the heart of the School. Here, children can take time to relax, chat and have a cup of hot chocolate.
Meanwhile, at the Junior School, a Chill Out Zone established by our pastoral care leader Mrs Morrans, gives pupils a place away from the hustle and bustle of school life and a quiet place to read or colour in - the perfect retreat.
The Junior School also has a health and wellbeing partnership with the Purple House Clinic, which provides mental health support to pupils and gives staff the tools to assist them.
Pastoral care is an essential element of The High School Experience, and ensures pupils are supported physically, emotionally, and mentally. By improving children’s general wellbeing means they should have a positive school experience, thus improving their academic potential.
At The High School of Glasgow, we provide pastoral care throughout both Junior and Senior School to all children. Our House System provides a sense of community and belonging, and our House Staff are always on-hand to provide individual support to both pupils and parents.
To learn more about our pastoral care system, view the Junior and Senior School pages on our website, or if you are looking for more information about enrolling your child, get in touch with Admissions now.
School News
The Summer Term reached its sporting crescendo with both the Junior and Senior School Sports Days taking place at Old Anniesland in mid-June.
During the penultimate week of the Summer Term, The High School of Glasgow hosted a Gala Concert at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
Ready to take things a step further?Hit the button below to read our prospectus, arrange a visit to our Junior and Senior Schools or to apply.