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The High School Low Down with...Mrs Horne

The High School Low Down with...Mrs Horne

Mrs Jennifer Horne (known to some former pupils as Miss Alexander), is Head of Law House and a Teacher of French and German at the Senior School.

She joined the High School in January 1988 and became Head of Law House in August 1999, almost 23 years ago! Prior to that, she was an assistant in the Careers Department, a Transitus Form teacher, a temporary assistant in Moore House and assistant in Clyde House.

After 34 and a half years at the High School, Mrs Horne will be retiring at the end of this session, it will be a fond farewell from so many pupils, and particularly those in Law House.


Give us the low down: what was your path to the High School?

I studied French and German at university and spent time in both France and Germany during my studies. After attending teacher training college, I taught French and German in Forres Academy and then in Elgin High School. I was keen to come back to Glasgow and was fortunate to be offered a job in the Modern Languages Department of the High School and the rest is history...

When did you know teaching was your calling?

I have always enjoyed spending time with children and loved being a Sunday School teacher for several years. I had enjoyed working in a school in France and being an au pair in Germany as part of my studies. I had a passion for foreign languages and so teaching seemed to be an obvious path to follow.

Tell us your biggest highlight at the High School so far?

I have been very fortunate to take part in numerous school trips. The ski trips to France, Italy and Switzerland were certainly a highlight! I was pushed well out of my comfort zone, learning to ski with groups of teenagers! Our exchanges with schools in Nurnberg and Lyon have also been wonderful experiences and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our colleagues in these schools.

Describe yourself in 3 words

Organised, caring and friendly.

If you could take one movie or song to a desert island, what would it be and why?

Probably ‘Caledonia’ by Dougie Maclean as it would remind me of Scotland!

Who or what inspires you most and why?

The Bible as a guide for life.

What’s one thing you hope to never forget?

My watch! I would be lost without it.

What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to someone?

Be yourself!

And finally, give us your low down of the High School

The High School is a very special place which provides numerous opportunities for each individual, allowing them to develop their talents in all fields as well as to make lasting friendships. There is a unique caring and secure environment here which should allow everyone to thrive and flourish. I have been most grateful to have worked here for so long and to have got to know so many special people amongst the pupils and staff over the years.