The High School Low Down with...Mr Jensen
The High School Low Down with...Mr Jensen
Mr Tony Jensen is Head of Business & Economics at the Senior School. He’s been a part of the teaching staff since 1997 - 25 years and counting! He is also a parent at the School.
Learn more about Mr Jensen’s journey!
Give us the low down: what was your path to the High School?
After completing my teacher training at Heriot Watt, Edinburgh, my first teaching post was at Carmel Sixth Form College in St Helens near Liverpool. I taught A Level Economics and A Level Business Studies there for three years before becoming Head of Business at a large secondary school in Liverpool.
The High School of Glasgow presented me not only with an opportunity to return to Scotland but also with the chance to teach Economics. HSOG has always supported my development as a teacher including when I completed my Masters (MEd) in 2002.
When did you know teaching was your calling?
In my final year as a student, I had an opportunity to teach English as a foreign language at the Berlitz Language School. By the end of the first day, I knew I wanted to be a teacher.
Tell us about your biggest highlight at the High School so far?
In my first full year at the High School a team of four Sixth Year pupils won a shareholder competition called the Global Investment Challenge, sponsored by The Scotsman and the now defunct, Merrill Lynch. The prize for the competitors was a trip to New York City. But the prize for our department was a surge in interest in our two subjects!
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Reliable, resourceful and fun (according to my Advanced Higher students!)
If you could take one song to a desert island, what would it be?
'Breathe' by Pink Floyd. Can I take my guitar with me?
Who or what inspires you most?
My wife, Lorna, is a huge inspiration. Every time I think I’m busy, I just have a look at what she has been working on.
What’s one thing you hope to never forget?
Family holidays with our caravan in The Netherlands, Germany and France have always brought me the best memories and laughs.
What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to someone?
The only barrier to success is self-doubt.
And finally, give us your low down of the High School
The teaching staff are very dedicated, and the administrative and janitorial staff are incredibly supportive. Pupils thrive at this school and you can see them grow into confident young adults. The opportunities available to pupils are extensive, especially in sport, music, drama and public speaking.
I take a tremendous amount of pride in the fact that I have worked at the High School for 25 years and now that I’m also a parent of HSOG pupils, I have a heightened awareness of what goes on. There are many things that set the School apart, but the House system must be one of the key factors in our success.